Entity statuses
This article lists entity status codes, by entity. These are used in the Entity Status packet.
- 1 Status table
- 2 Entity statuses
- 2.1 Entity
- 2.2 Projectile
- 2.3 Snowball
- 2.4 Thrown Egg
- 2.5 Fishing Hook
- 2.6 Arrow
- 2.7 Tipped Arrow
- 2.8 Firework Rocket Entity
- 2.9 Living Entity
- 2.10 Player
- 2.11 Armor Stand
- 2.12 Mob
- 2.13 Water Animal
- 2.14 Squid
- 2.15 Dolphin
- 2.16 Pathfinder Mob
- 2.17 Ageable
- 2.18 Animal
- 2.19 Abstract Horse
- 2.20 Cat
- 2.21 Rabbit
- 2.22 Sheep
- 2.23 Fox
- 2.24 Tameable Animal
- 2.25 Wolf
- 2.26 Villager
- 2.27 Golem
- 2.28 Iron Golem
- 2.29 Evoker Fangs
- 2.30 Monster
- 2.31 Witch
- 2.32 Ravager
- 2.33 Zombie
- 2.34 Zombie Villager
- 2.35 Guardian
- 2.36 Elder Guardian
- 2.37 Guardian
- 2.38 Minecart
- 2.39 Minecart TNT
- 2.40 Minecart Spawner
Status table
The following table links to the appropriate entity for each status.
Status code | Entity(/ies) |
0 | Tipped Arrow |
1 | Rabbit, Minecart Spawner |
2 | Living Entity |
3 | Snowball, Thrown Egg, Living Entity |
4 | Iron Golem, Evoker Fangs, Ravager |
5 | None |
6 | Abstract Horse, Tameable Animal |
7 | Abstract Horse, Tameable Animal |
8 | Wolf |
9 | Living Entity |
10 | Sheep, Minecart TNT |
11 | Iron Golem |
12 | Villager |
13 | Villager |
14 | Villager |
15 | Witch |
16 | Zombie Villager |
17 | Firework Rocket Entity |
18 | Animal |
19 | Squid |
20 | Mob |
21 | Guardian |
22 | Player |
23 | Player |
24 | Player |
25 | Player |
26 | Player |
27 | Player |
28 | Player |
29 | Living Entity |
30 | Living Entity |
31 | Fishing Hook |
32 | Armor Stand |
33 | Living Entity |
34 | Iron Golem |
35 | Entity |
36 | Living Entity |
37 | Living Entity |
38 | Dolphin |
39 | Ravager |
40 | Ocelot |
41 | Ocelot |
42 | Villager |
43 | Player |
44 | Living Entity |
45 | Fox |
46 | Living Entity |
47 | Living Entity |
48 | Living Entity |
49 | Living Entity |
50 | Living Entity |
51 | Living Entity |
52 | Living Entity |
Entity statuses
Status | Description | |
35 | Plays the Totem of Undying animation |
Extends Entity.
No additional statuses.
Extends Projectile.
Status | Description | |
3 | Displays 8 snowballpoof particles at the snowball's location
Thrown Egg
Extends Projectile.
Status | Description | |
3 | Displays 8 iconcrack particles with the egg as a parameter at the egg's location
Fishing Hook
Extends Entity.
Status | Description | |
31 | If the caught entity is the connected player, then cause them to be pulled toward the caster of the fishing rod. |
Extends Entity.
Abstract base class for Tipped Arrow (which is used for regular arrows as well as tipped ones) and Spectral Arrow.
Tipped Arrow
Extends Arrow.
Status | Description | |
0 | Spawns tipped arrow particle effects, if the color is not -1. |
Firework Rocket Entity
Extends Entity.
Status | Description | |
17 | Triggers the firework explosion effect (based off of the firework info metadata) |
Living Entity
Extends Entity.
Status | Description | |
2 | Plays the hurt animation and hurt sound | |
3 | Plays the death sound and death animation | |
29 | Plays the shield block sound | |
30 | Plays the shield break sound | |
33 | Plays the thorns sound in addition to playing the hurt animation and hurt sound | |
36 | Plays the hurt animation and drown hurt sound | |
37 | Plays the hurt animation and burn hurt sound | |
44 | Plays the hurt animation and sweet berry bush hurt sound | |
46 | Spawns portal particles when teleporting due to consumption of a chorus fruit or being an endermen | |
47 | Plays the equipment break sound (unless silent) and spawns break particles for the item in the main hand | |
48 | Plays the equipment break sound (unless silent) and spawns break particles for the item in the off hand | |
49 | Plays the equipment break sound (unless silent) and spawns break particles for the item in the head slot | |
50 | Plays the equipment break sound (unless silent) and spawns break particles for the item in the chest slot | |
51 | Plays the equipment break sound (unless silent) and spawns break particles for the item in the legs slot | |
52 | Plays the equipment break sound (unless silent) and spawns break particles for the item in the feet slot |
Extends Living Entity.
Status | Description | |
9 | Marks item use as finished (finished eating, finished drinking, etc)
This status is not required if you want more control on the server side, this basicly finishes the interaction on the client side to decrease the food quantity, arrow quantity, ... But you can trigger these changes manually through other packets or prevent those changes on the client. Examples:
Note: This works together with the 'Hand data' so this will have to be updated accordingly to 'finish' the interaction manually. | |
22 | Enables reduced debug screen information | |
23 | Disables reduced debug screen information | |
24 | Set op permission level to 0 | |
25 | Set op permission level to 1 | |
26 | Set op permission level to 2 | |
27 | Set op permission level to 3 | |
28 | Set op permission level to 4 | |
43 | Spawn cloud particles at the player. Sent to a player whose Bad Omen effect is removed to either start a raid or increase its difficulty. |
Armor Stand
Extends Living Entity.
Status | Description | |
32 | Plays the hit sound, and resets a hit cooldown. |
Extends Living Entity.
Status | Description | |
20 | Spawn explosion particle. Used when:
Water Animal
Extends Mob.
No additional statuses.
Extends Water Animal
Status | Description | |
19 | Resets the squid's rotation to 0 radians. Occurs whenever the server calculates that the squid has rotated more than 2 pi radians. |
Extends Water Animal
Status | Description | |
38 | Causes several "happy villager" particles to appear; used when the dolphin has been fed and is locating a structure |
Pathfinder Mob
Extends Mob.
No additional statuses.
Extends Pathfinder Mob.
No additional statuses.
Extends Ageable.
Status | Description | |
18 | Spawn "love mode" heart particles |
Abstract Horse
Extends Animal.
Status | Description | |
6 | Spawn smoke particles (taming failed) | |
7 | Spawn heart particles (taming succeeded) |
Extends Animal.
Status | Description | |
40 | Spawn smoke particles (taming failed) | |
41 | Spawn heart particles (taming succeeded) |
Extends Animal.
Status | Description | |
1 | Causes the rabbit to use its rotated jumping animation, and displays jumping particles. |
Extends Animal.
Status | Description | |
10 | Causes the sheep to play the eating grass animation for the next 40 ticks |
Extends Animal.
Status | Description | |
45 | Spawns particles based on the item on the fox's mouth (technically its main hand) to indicate them chewing on it |
Tameable Animal
Extends Animal.
Status | Description | |
6 | Spawn smoke particles (taming failed) | |
7 | Spawn heart particles (taming succeeded) |
Extends Tameable Animal.
Status | Description | |
8 | Play wolf shaking water animation |
Extends Ageable.
Status | Description | |
12 | Spawn villager mating heart particles | |
13 | Spawn villager angry particles | |
14 | Spawn villager happy particles | |
42 | Spawn "splash" particles. Triggered with 1% chance each tick while a raid is active. |
Extends Pathfinder Mob.
No additional statuses.
Iron Golem
Extends Golem.
Status | Description | |
4 | Plays attack animation and attack sound | |
11 | Causes golem to hold out a | |
34 | Puts away golem's poppy |
Evoker Fangs
Extends Entity.
Status | Description | |
4 | Starts the attack animation, and plays the entity.evocation_fangs.attack sound.
Extends Pathfinder Mob.
No additional statuses.
Extends Monster.
Status | Description | |
15 | Spawns between 10 and 45 witchMagic particles. This status has a .075% chance of happening each tick.
Extends Monster.
Status | Description | |
4 | Starts the attack animation. | |
39 | Marks the ravager as stunned for the next 40 ticks. |
Extends Monster.
Zombie Villager
Extends Zombie.
Status | Description | |
16 | Plays the zombie cure finished sound effect (unless the entity is silent) |
Extends Monster.
Status | Description | |
21 | Plays the guardian attack sound effect from this entity. |
Elder Guardian
Extends Guardian.
Extends Entity.
No additional statuses.
Minecart TNT
Extends Minecart.
Status | Description | |
10 | Causes the TNT to ignite. Does not play a sound; the sound must be played separately. |
Minecart Spawner
Extends Minecart.
Status | Description | |
1 | Resets the delay of the spawner to 200 ticks (the default minimum value). |