ClassicWorld file format
ClassicWorld World Format is a level format devised by tyteen4a03 with input from fragmer for all Classic Custom Servers to use. Originally designed for cloudBox, it is designed in order for every servers that implement Classic Protocol Extension to also be able to share world formats. This will allow server owners to switch solutions easily according to their needs, and ensure that CPE features will be well-implemented in all server softwares.
Basic Structure
TAG_Compound("ClassicWorld"): 14 entries { TAG_Byte("LevelVersion") TAG_String("Name") TAG_Byte_Array("UUID") TAG_Short("X") TAG_Short("Y") TAG_Short("Z") TAG_Compound("CreatedBy"): 2 entries { TAG_String("Service") TAG_String("Username") } TAG_Compound("MapGenerator"): 2 entries { TAG_String("Software") TAG_String("MapGeneratorName") } TAG_Long("TimeCreated") TAG_Long("LastAccessed") TAG_Long("LastModified") TAG_Compound("Spawn"): 5 entries { TAG_Short("X") TAG_Short("Y") TAG_Short("Z") TAG_Byte("H") TAG_Byte("P") } TAG_Byte_Array("BlockArray") TAG_Compound("Metadata") {} }
- LevelVersion is a constant, currently at
- Name should be limited to 64 characters in length, and contain only characters that can be displayed in Minecraft.
- UUID is a unique 128-bit identifier for this map (for example a GUID), saved as a 16-byte array.
- X is the width (first horizontal dimension) of the map.
- Y is the height (vertical dimension) of the map.
- Z is the length (second horizontal dimension) of the map.
- CreatedBy is an optional tag that identifies the creator of this map.
- Username is the name of a player.
- Service can be "Minecraft" (for usernames) or "ClassiCube" (for usernames).
- MapGenerator is an optional tag that contains information related to map generation.
- Software is the name of software that originally generated this map (e.g. "cloudBox" or "fCraft").
- MapGeneratorName is the name of a specific generation method used by the software (e.g. "Realistic" or "Flat").
- TimeCreated is a UTC Unix timestamp that's set when the map is originally generated.
- LastModified is a UTC Unix timestamp that's set when the map's blocks are modified. Changes to spawn point or metadata should not affect this date.
- LastAccessed is an optional tag. It's a UTC Unix timestamp that's set when the map is accessed by any player.
Metadata entry
The Metadata compound tag must contain zero or more named Compound tags, each named after a specific software that produced them. Each of those compound tags should contain zero or more named Compound. The contents of those tags are implementation-specific.
TAG_Compound("(SomeSoftware)") { TAG_Compound("(OneSection)") { (implementation-specific contents) } TAG_Compound("(AnotherSection)") { (implementation-specific contents) } } TAG_Compound("(OtherSoftware)") { TAG_Compound("(Section)") { (implementation-specific contents) } }
Classic Protocol Extension metadata
Metadata name "CPE
" is reserved for Classic Protocol Extension data, and has standardized contents. Any or all of the below sections may be present, each corresponding to a CPE extension. Each section contains an Int tag named ExtensionVersion.
TAG_Compound("ClickDistance"): 2 entries { TAG_Int("ExtensionVersion") TAG_Short("Distance") }
TAG_Compound("CustomBlocks"): 3 entries { TAG_Int("ExtensionVersion") TAG_Short("SupportLevel") TAG_Byte_Array("Fallback"): [256 bytes] }
The purpose of the Fallback array is to allow servers with lower SupportLevel to load maps created by servers with higher SupportLevel. In such cases, any unsupported block IDs can be substituted using Fallback mapping. For instance, when a [hypothetical] block ID 200
is encountered, loading software should substitute it with the value of Fallback[200].
TAG_Compound("EnvColors"): 6 entries { TAG_Int("ExtensionVersion") TAG_Compound("Sky"): 3 entries { TAG_Short("R") TAG_Short("G") TAG_Short("B") } TAG_Compound("Cloud"): 3 entries { TAG_Short("R") TAG_Short("G") TAG_Short("B") } TAG_Compound("Fog"): 3 entries { TAG_Short("R") TAG_Short("G") TAG_Short("B") } TAG_Compound("Ambient"): 3 entries { TAG_Short("R") TAG_Short("G") TAG_Short("B") } TAG_Compound("Sunlight"): 3 entries { TAG_Short("R") TAG_Short("G") TAG_Short("B") } }
TAG_Compound("EnvMapAppearance"): 5 entries { TAG_Int("ExtensionVersion") TAG_String("TextureURL") TAG_Byte("SideBlock") TAG_Byte("EdgeBlock") TAG_Short("SideLevel") }
These custom servers plan to add support for CW World Format: cloudBox, fCraft