Registry Data
Registry Data
Registries representing definitions of certain concepts that are sent to the client with the Registry Data packet.
Packet ID | State | Bound To | Field Name | Field Type | Notes |
0x05 | Configuration | Client | Registry Codec | NBT Tag Compound | Information included below. |
The Registry Codec NBT Tag Compound (Default value in JSON as of 1.19, 1.19.2, 1.20.1) includes three registries: "minecraft:dimension_type", "minecraft:worldgen/biome", and "minecraft:chat_type".
Name | Type | Notes | |
minecraft:dimension_type | TAG_Compound | The dimension type registry (see below). | |
minecraft:worldgen/biome | TAG_Compound | The biome registry (see below). | |
minecraft:chat_type | TAG_Compound | The chat type registry (see below). |
Vanilla Registries
Armor Trim Material
The minecraft:trim_material
Armor Trim Pattern
The minecraft:trim_pattern
The minecraft:worldgen/biome
Represents certain registries that are sent from the server and are applied on the client.
Biome registry:
Name | Type | Notes | |
type | TAG_String | The name of the registry. Always "minecraft:worldgen/biome". | |
value | TAG_List | List of biome registry entries (see below). |
Biome registry entry:
Name | Type | Notes | |
name | TAG_String | The name of the biome (for example, "minecraft:ocean"). | |
id | TAG_Int | The protocol ID of the biome (matches the index of the element in the registry list). | |
element | TAG_Compound | The biome properties (see below). |
Biome properties:
Name | Type | Meaning | Values | |||||
has_precipitation | TAG_Byte | Determines whether or not the biome has precipitation. | 1: true, 0: false. | |||||
depth | Optional TAG_Float | The depth factor of the biome. | The default values vary between 1.5 and -1.8. | |||||
temperature | TAG_Float | The temperature factor of the biome. | The default values vary between 2.0 and -0.5. | |||||
scale | Optional TAG_Float | ? | The default values vary between 1.225 and 0.0. | |||||
downfall | TAG_Float | ? | The default values vary between 1.0 and 0.0. | |||||
category | Optional TAG_String | The category of the biome. | Known values are "ocean", "plains", "desert", "forest", "extreme_hills", "taiga", "swamp", "river", "nether", "the_end", "icy", "mushroom", "beach", "jungle", "mesa", "savanna", and "none". | |||||
temperature_modifier | Optional TAG_String | ? | The only known value is "frozen". | |||||
effects | sky_color | TAG_Compound | TAG_Int | The color of the sky. | Example: 8364543, which is #7FA1FF in RGB. | |||
water_fog_color | TAG_Int | Possibly the tint color when swimming. | Example: 8364543, which is #7FA1FF in RGB. | |||||
fog_color | TAG_Int | Possibly the color of the fog effect when looking past the view distance. | Example: 8364543, which is #7FA1FF in RGB. | |||||
water_color | TAG_Int | The tint color of the water blocks. | Example: 8364543, which is #7FA1FF in RGB. | |||||
foliage_color | Optional TAG_Int | The tint color of the grass. | Example: 8364543, which is #7FA1FF in RGB. | |||||
grass_color | Optional TAG_Int | ? | Example: 8364543, which is #7FA1FF in RGB. | |||||
grass_color_modifier | Optional TAG_String | Unknown, likely affects foliage color. | If set, known values are "swamp" and "dark_forest". | |||||
music | Optional TAG_Compound | Music properties for the biome. | If present, contains the fields: replace_current_music (TAG_Byte), sound (TAG_String), max_delay (TAG_Int), min_delay (TAG_Int). | |||||
ambient_sound | Optional TAG_String | Ambient soundtrack. | If present, the ID of a soundtrack. Example: "minecraft:ambient.basalt_deltas.loop". | |||||
additions_sound | Optional TAG_Compound | Additional ambient sound that plays randomly. | If present, contains the fields: sound (TAG_String), tick_chance (TAG_Double). | |||||
mood_sound | Optional TAG_Compound | Additional ambient sound that plays at an interval. | If present, contains the fields: sound (TAG_String), tick_delay (TAG_Int), offset (TAG_Double), block_search_extent (TAG_Int). | |||||
particle | probability | Optional TAG_Compound | TAG_FLOAT | Particles that appear randomly in the biome. | Possibly the probability of spawning the particle. | ? | ||
options | TAG_COMPOUND | The properties of the particle to spawn. | Contains the field "type" (TAG_String), which identifies the particle type. |
Chat Type
The minecraft:chat_type
Chat registry:
Name | Type | Notes | |
type | TAG_String | The name of the registry. Always "minecraft:chat_type". | |
value | TAG_List | List of chat type registry entries (see below). |
Chat type:
Name | Type | Notes | |
name | TAG_String | The type's name (eg "minecraft:chat") | |
id | TAG_Int | ||
elements | TAG_Compound | "chat" and "narration" TAG_Compound's (see below) |
Chat type "chat" and "narration":
Name | Type | Notes | |
translation_key | TAG_String | ||
style | TAG_Compound | Similar to Chat JSON (only present in "chat" TAG_Compound) | |
parameters | TAG_List of TAG_String | Values can be "sender", "target" and "content" |
Damage Type
The minecraft:damage_type
Dimension Type
The minecraft:dimension_type
Dimension type registry:
Name | Type | Notes | |
type | TAG_String | The name of the registry. Always "minecraft:dimension_type". | |
value | TAG_List | List of dimension types registry entries (see below). |
Dimension type registry entry:
Name | Type | Notes | |
name | TAG_String | The name of the dimension type (for example, "minecraft:overworld"). | |
id | TAG_Int | The protocol ID of the dimension (matches the index of the element in the registry list). | |
element | TAG_Compound | The dimension type (see below). |
Dimension type:
Name | Type | Meaning | Values | |
piglin_safe | TAG_Byte | Whether piglins shake and transform to zombified piglins. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
has_raids | TAG_Byte | Whether players with the Bad Omen effect can cause a raid. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
monster_spawn_light_level | TAG_Int or TAG_Compound | Possibly the light level(s) at which monsters can spawn. | When TAG_Int, 0 - 15. When TAG_Compound, contains the fields: type (TAG_String), appears to be always "minecraft:uniform", and value (TAG_Compound), which contains the fields: max_inclusive (TAG_Int), min_inclusive (TAG_Int). | |
monster_spawn_block_light_limit | TAG_Int | |||
natural | TAG_Byte | When false, compasses spin randomly. When true, nether portals can spawn zombified piglins. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
ambient_light | TAG_Float | How much light the dimension has. | 0.0 to 1.0. | |
fixed_time | Optional TAG_Long | If set, the time of the day is the specified value. | If set, 0 to 24000. | |
infiniburn | TAG_String | A resource location defining what block tag to use for infiniburn. | "#" or minecraft resource "#minecraft:...". | |
respawn_anchor_works | TAG_Byte | Whether players can charge and use respawn anchors. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
has_skylight | TAG_Byte | Whether the dimension has skylight access or not. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
bed_works | TAG_Byte | Whether players can use a bed to sleep. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
effects | TAG_String | ? | "minecraft:overworld", "minecraft:the_nether", "minecraft:the_end" or something else. | |
min_y | TAG_Int | The minimum Y level. | A multiple of 16. Example: -64 | |
height | TAG_Int | The maximum height. | A multiple of 16. Example: 256 | |
logical_height | TAG_Int | The maximum height to which chorus fruits and nether portals can bring players within this dimension. (Must be lower than height) | 0-384. | |
coordinate_scale | TAG_Double | The multiplier applied to coordinates when traveling to the dimension. | 0.00001 - 30000000.0 | |
ultrawarm | TAG_Byte | Whether the dimensions behaves like the nether (water evaporates and sponges dry) or not. Also causes lava to spread thinner. | 1: true, 0: false. | |
has_ceiling | TAG_Byte | Whether the dimension has a bedrock ceiling or not. When true, causes lava to spread faster. | 1: true, 0: false. |