Plugin channels/World downloader

< Plugin channels
Revision as of 20:33, 26 January 2016 by Pokechu22 (talk | contribs) (Add WDL|REQUEST)
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Work in progress!

This page is a work in progress, and may be missing information.

Documentation of the World Downloader mod's plugin channel configuration system.

See here.


All types here are as specified by Java's DataOutputStream and can be read using a DataInputStream, unless otherwise noted.

Chunk Overrides

Chunk Overrides are areas that the player is allowed to download in even if the rest of the map is restricted. As the name suggests, it is defined by a chunk's area.

If the start and end x coordinates are the same, the chunk at that position can be saved (they are both inclusive).

Implementations are encouraged to try and merge chunk overrides with the same tag before sending, but this is not required.

A Chunk Override has the following structure:

Field Name Field Type Notes
Tag String A string describing this chunk override. May be empty and does not need to be unique. For instance, a World Guard region corresponding to the range.
x1 Integer Start x chunk coordinate. Should not be larger than x2.
z1 Integer Start z chunk coordinate. Should not be larger than z2.
x2 Integer End x chunk coordinate. Should not be smaller than x1.
z2 Integer End z chunk coordinate. Should not be smaller than z1.


WDL|INIT is sent to show that World Downloader is ready to receive new permissions. Don't send permissions until this is received - it may still be saving from another part of the map or another sever where it has permission, and revoking permission in the middle is a Bad Thing™.

Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
Server Mod version UTF8 string This is a byte array; the remainder of the packet is this value (there is no length specified). In some older versions of the mod, this is not present and the length of the packet is 0.


This channel is sent from the server to the client to specify various permissions. It uses a 4-byte integer at the start to indicate a section. There is no required order, but it is conventional to put them in numerical order.

In all cases unless otherwise indicated, if a packet is not sent its values are treated as 'true'.

Default values

Specifies the default value used for permissions not sent.

Note that sending this packet does not actually change the value for other packets; it instead specifies an internal fallback. Thus, this packet can be sent at any time to change this default without needing to resend other packets.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|CONTROL Client Discriminator Integer Set to 0 to indicate this packet.
Default value Boolean True to enable all functions not otherwise specified, false to disable them.

Basic data

Sets some of the standard properties.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|CONTROL Client Discriminator Integer Set to 1 to indicate this packet.
General download enabled Boolean True to enable all downloading in all chunks, false to disable it.
Save radius Integer The distance from the player chunks can be saved from. -1 to allow all distances. This is a square distance, not a circle or a diamond. Only applies if chunk caching is disabled.
Chunk caching enabled Boolean Can chunks be saved as the player moves about. If false, then they can only save within the area indicated by save radius; if true they can save everywhere. However, regardless of this value, if general download is disabled, they cannot download.
Entity saving enabled Boolean True to allow the mod to save entities, false to force entities to be removed from the world. This only applies to chunks that can be saved.
Tile entity saving enabled Boolean True to allow the mod to save tile entities, false to force tile entities to be removed from the world. This only applies to chunks that can be saved.
Container saving enabled Boolean True to allow the mod to save containers (a subset of tile entities that require manual interaction to be saved, mainly chests). This only applies if tile entities are allowed to be saved and only applies in chunks that can be saved.

Entity track distances

Used to specify any custom entity track distances on the server, because they may change on spigot servers. More info on why this is needed on the project wiki.

The client is free to ignore these values, and will use sane defaults based off of whether the server's brand includes "spigot" if they are not sent. However, by default these values are used.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|CONTROL Client Discriminator Integer Set to 2 to indicate this packet.
Number of ranges Integer Size of the following array.
Values Entity name Array String The name of the entity, as used in the savegame ID.
Track distance Integer The track distance of the entity, in blocks.

Permission request info

Information used with permission requests.

Channel Bound to Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|CONTROL Client Discriminator Integer Set to 3 to indicate this packet.
Requests enabled Boolean Whether requests work on this server. In all cases this should be true unless you have an out of date plugin... in which case you probably wouldn't be sending this anyways.
Request message String A message displayed to players on the permissions and permissions request screen. You can use this to display rules relating to use of the mod, or explain how you want it to be used, or what info to include in the request, etc.

Set chunk overrides

Sets the entire set of chunk overrides.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|CONTROL Client Discriminator Integer Set to 4 to indicate this packet
Number of groups Integer Size of the following array
Groups Group name Array String The name of this group. Must be unique.
Number of overrides Integer Size of the following array
Overrides Array of Chunk Override Each override. Tags may be different within the list and no order is required.

Modify group chunk overrides

Add chunk overrides to a group or sets chunk overrides in that group.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|CONTROL Client Discriminator Integer Set to 5 to indicate this packet
Group to edit String Name of the group to edit.
Replace mode Boolean 'true' to set the group to this value and remove its old overrides, 'false' to add these to the existing ones.
Groups Group name Array String The name of this group. Must be unique.
Number of overrides Integer Size of the following array
Overrides Array of Chunk Override Each override. Tags may be different within the list and no order is required.

Remove chunk overrides by tag

Removes chunk overrides with the given tag from a specific group.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|REQUEST Client Discriminator Integer Set to 6 to indicate this packet.
Group String The group to remove ranges from.
Number of tags Integer Length of the following array.
Tags Array of String Each tag to remove.

Set chunk overrides by tag

Sets all of the chunk overrides in a single with a specific tag to a new set.

Note: All of the new ranges should have the same tag as the tag that is being replaced.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|REQUEST Client Discriminator Integer Set to 6 to indicate this packet.
Group String The group to remove ranges from.
Tag String The tag to replace
Number of new ranges Integer Length of the following array.
New ranges Array of Chunk Override The new ranges


Used for permission requests. Sent from the client to the server. On the server, a moderator/admin/whoever can approve or deny the request, and then other messages (WDL|CONTROL) are sent to grant such permissions.

Channel Bound To Field Name Field Type Notes
WDL|REQUEST Server Request message String A message explaining the reason for the request to the server owners (user-inputted). The current version of the mod uses "REQUEST REASON WILL GO HERE" as the message, but it will be more useful in the future.
Number of requests Integer Length of the following array.
Requests Requested perm Array String Name of the permission (see list below).
Requested value String String representation of the requested value.
Number of chunk override requests Integer Length of the following array.
Chunk override requests Array of Chunk Override Requested overrides. Note that the 'tag' value is still included but the server is allowed to discard it (or use it, at its digression).