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This page documents the changes from the [[Protocol|last stable Minecraft release]] (currently 1.6.2, protocol 74) to the current pre-release. Note that this page contains bleeding-edge information that may not be completely or correctly documented.
There are currently no pre-release versions available to document on this page. For the latest stable Minecraft release, see the [[Protocol|Protocol]] page. For previous pre-release pages, see the [[Protocol version numbers|Protocol version numbers]] page.
He who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into [[Protocol]] when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occured to the respective packets there.
== Protocol History ==
One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into [[Protocol]] when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.
13w36a - Added sound category byte to 0x3E
- Changed 0xC8 to a string:int map
13w37b -
== Contents ==
1.6.3 - Terrain fixes to help moving to 1.7, no packet changes from 1.6.2
<div style="float:right;">__TOC__</div>
1.6.4 -
=== Data types ===
13w38a/b/c -
No changes so far.
13w39a/b - UUIDs added to spawn named entity, game state 'gamemode' byte -> float
=== Packets ===
13w41a - Large protocol work
No changes so far.
== Protocol Version ==
[[Category:Minecraft Modern]]
13w41a - 0
13w39a/b - 80
13w38a/b/c - 79
1.6.4 - 78
1.6.3 - 77
13w37b - 76
13w36a - 75
== Packet format ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| Length || VarInt ||
| Type || VarInt ||
| Data || ||
== Data Types ==
VarInt - [http://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#varints Protocol Buffer 32-bit Varint]
String - UTF-8 String prefixed with a VarInt
== Handshaking ==
=== Serverbound ===
==== Handshake ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=4 | 0x00
| Protocol Version || VarInt ||
| Server Address (hostname or IP) || String || localhost
| Server Port || VarInt || 25565
| Current state || VarInt || 0 for play, 1 for status, 2 for login
== Play ==
=== Clientbound ===
==== Keep Alive ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x00
| Keep Alive ID || Int ||
==== Join Game ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=7 | 0x01
| Entity ID || Int || The player's Entity ID
| Level type || String || level-type in server.properties
| Gamemode || Byte || 0: survival, 1: creative, 2: adventure. Bit 3 (0x8) is the hardcore flag
| Dimension || Byte || -1: nether, 0: overworld, 1: end
| Difficulty || Unsigned Byte || 0 thru 3 for Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard
| || Byte ||
| Max Players || Byte || Used by the client to draw the player list
==== Chat Message ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x02
| JSON Data || String || https://gist.github.com/thinkofdeath/e882ce057ed83bac0a1c
==== Time Update ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x03
| Age of the world || Long || In ticks; not changed by server commands
| Time of day || Long || The world (or region) time, in ticks. If negative the sun will stop moving at the Math.abs of the time
==== Entity Equipment ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x04
| EntityID || Int || Entity's ID
| Slot || Short || Equipment slot: 0=held, 1-4=armor slot (1 - boots, 2 - leggings, 3 - chestplate, 4 - helmet)
| Item || [[Slot_Data|Slot]] || Item in slot format
==== Spawn Position ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x05
| X || Int || Spawn X in block coordinates
| Y || Int || Spawn Y in block coordinates
| Z || Int || Spawn | in block coordinates
==== Update Health ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x06
| Health || Float || 0 or less = dead, 20 = full HP
| Food || Short || 0 - 20
| Food Saturation || Float || Seems to vary from 0.0 to 5.0 in integer increments
==== Respawn ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x07
| Dimension || Int || -1: The Nether, 0: The Overworld, 1: The End
| Difficulty || Byte || 0 thru 3 for Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard.
| Gamemode || Byte || 0: survival, 1: creative, 2: adventure. The hardcore flag is not included
| World Height|| Short || Defaults to 256
| Level Type || String ||
==== Player ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x08
| On Ground || Bool | True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Player Position ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5| 0x09
| X || Double || Absolute position
| Y || Double || Absolute position
| Stance || Double || Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc…
| Z || Double || Absolute position
| On Ground || Bool || True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Player Look ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3| 0x0A
| Yaw || Float || Absolute rotation on the X Axis, in degrees
| Pitch || Float || Absolute rotation on the Y Axis, in degrees
| On Ground || Bool || True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Player Position And Look ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=7| 0x0B
| X || Double || Absolute position
| Y || Double || Absolute position
| Stance || Double || Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc…
| Z || Double || Absolute position
| Yaw || Float || Absolute rotation on the X Axis, in degrees
| Pitch || Float || Absolute rotation on the Y Axis, in degrees
| On Ground || Bool || True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Held Item Change ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x0C
| Slot || Short || The slot which the player has selected (0-8)
==== Use Bed ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x0D
| Entity ID || Int || Player ID
| || Byte ||
| X || Int || Bed headboard X as block coordinate
| Y || Unsigned Byte || Bed headboard Y as block coordinate
| Z || Int || Bed headboard Z as block coordinate
==== Animation ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x0E
| Entity ID || Int || Player ID
| Animation || Byte || Animation ID
Animation can be one of the following values:
{| class="wikitable"
! ID !! Animation
| 0 || No animation
| 1 || Swing arm
| 2 || Damage animation
| 3 || Leave bed
| 5 || Eat food
| 6 || Critical effect
| 7 || Magic critical effect
| 102 || (unknown)
| 104 || Crouch
| 105 || Uncrouch
==== Spawn Player ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=10 | 0x0F
| Entity ID || Int || Player's Entity ID
| Player UUID || String || Player's UUID
| Player Name || String || Player's Name
| X || Int || Player X as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y || Int || Player X as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z || Int || Player X as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Yaw || Byte || Player rotation as a packed byte
| Pitch || Byte || Player rotation as a packet byte
| Current Item || Short || The item the player is currently holding. Note that this should be 0 for "no item", unlike -1 used in other packets. A negative value crashes clients.
| Metadata || [[Entities#Entity_Metadata_Format|Metadata]] || The client will crash if no metadata is sent
==== Collect Item ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x10
| Collected Entity ID || Int ||
| Collector Entity ID || Int ||
==== Spawn Object ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=8| 0x11
| Entity ID || Int || Entity ID of the object
| Type || Byte || The of object (See [[Entities#Objects|Objects]]
| X || Int || X position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y || Int || Y position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z || Int || Z position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Pitch || Byte || The pitch in steps of 2p/256
| Yaw || Byte || The yaw in steps of 2p/256
| Data || [[Object_Data|Object Data]] ||
==== Spawn Mob ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=12 | 0x12
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Type || Unsigned Byte || The type of mob. See [[Entities#Mobs|Mobs]]
| X || Int || X position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y || Int || Y position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z || Int || Z position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Pitch || Byte || The pitch in steps of 2p/256
| Head Pitch || Byte || The pitch in steps of 2p/256
| Yaw || Byte || The yaw in steps of 2p/256
| Velocity X || Short ||
| Velocity Y || Short ||
| Velocity Z || Short ||
| Metadata || [[Entities#Entity_Metadata_Format|Metadata]] ||
==== Spawn Painting ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=6 | 0x13
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Title || String || Name of the painting. Max length 13
| X || Int || Center X coordinate
| Y || Int || Center Y coordinate
| Z || Int || Center Z coordinate
| Direction || Int || Direction the painting faces (0 -z, 1 -x, 2 +z, 3 +x)
==== Spawn Experience Orb ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x14
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| X || Int || X position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y || Int || Y position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z || Int || Z position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Count || Short || The amount of experience this orb will reward once collected
==== Entity Velocity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=4 | 0x15
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Velocity X || Short || Velocity on the X axis
| Velocity Y || Short || Velocity on the Y axis
| Velocity Z || Short || Velocity on the Z axis
==== Destroy Entitie s====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x16
| Count || Byte || Length of following array
| Entity IDs || Array of Int || The list of entities of destroy
==== Entity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x17
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
==== Entity Relative Move ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=4| 0x18
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| DX || Byte || Change in X position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| DY || Byte || Change in Y position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| DZ || Byte || Change in Z position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
==== Entity Look ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x19
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Yaw || Byte || The X Axis rotation as a fraction of 360
| Pitch || Byte || The Y Axis rotation as a fraction of 360
==== Entity Look and Relative Move ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=6 | 0x1A
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| DX || Byte || Change in X position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| DY || Byte || Change in Y position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| DZ || Byte || Change in Z position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Yaw || Byte || The X Axis rotation as a fraction of 360
| Pitch || Byte || The Y Axis rotation as a fraction of 360
==== Entity Teleport ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=6 | 0x1B
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| X || Byte || X position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y || Byte || Y position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z || Byte || Z position as a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Yaw || Byte || The X Axis rotation as a fraction of 360
| Pitch || Byte || The Y Axis rotation as a fraction of 360
==== Entity Head Look ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x1C
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Head Yaw || Byte || Head yaw in steps of 2p/256
==== Entity Status ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x1D
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Entity Status || Byte || See below
{| class="wikitable"
! Entity Status !! Meaning
| 2 || Entity hurt
| 3 || Entity dead
| 6 || Wolf taming
| 7 || Wolf tamed
| 8 || Wolf shaking water off itself
| 9 || (of self) Eating accepted by server
| 10 || Sheep eating grass
| 11 || Iron Golem handing over a rose
| 12 || Spawn "heart" particles near a villager
| 13 || Spawn particles indicating that a villager is angry and seeking revenge
| 14 || Spawn happy particles near a villager
| 15 || Spawn a "magic" particle near the Witch
| 16 || Zombie converting into a villager by shaking violently (unused in recent update)
| 17 || A firework exploding
==== Attach Entity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x1E
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Vehicle ID || Int || Vechicle's Entity ID
| Leash || Bool || If true leashes the entity to the vehicle
==== Attach Entity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x1F
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Metadata || [[Entities#Entity_Metadata_Format|Metadata]] ||
==== Entity Effect ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=4 | 0x20
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Effect ID || Byte || See [[http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Potion_effect#Parameters]]
| Amplifier || Byte ||
| Duration || Short ||
==== Remove Entity Effect ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x21
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| Effect ID || Byte ||
==== Set Experience ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x22
| Experience bar || Float || Between 0 and 1
| Level || Short ||
| Total Experience || Short ||
==== Entity Properties ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3 | 0x23
| Entity ID || Int | Entity's ID
| Count || Int || Length of following array
| Properties || Array of Property Data ||
'''Property Data''' structure:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| Key || String ||
| Value || Double ||
| List Length || Short || Number of list elements that follow.
| Modifiers || Array of Modifier Data || http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Attribute#Modifiers
Known key values:
{| class="wikitable"
! Key !! Default !! Min !! Max !! Label
| generic.maxHealth || 20.0 || 0.0 || Double.MaxValue || Max Health
| generic.followRange || 32.0 || 0.0 || 2048.0 || Follow Range
| generic.knockbackResistance || 0.0 || 0.0 || 1.0 || Knockback Resistance
| generic.movementSpeed || 0.699999988079071 || 0.0 || Double.MaxValue || Movement Speed
| generic.attackDamage || 2.0 || 0.0 || Double.MaxValue ||
| horse.jumpStrength || 0.7 || 0.0 || 2.0 || Jump Strength
| zombie.spawnReinforcements || 0.0 || 0.0 || 1.0 || Spawn Reinforcements Chance
'''Modifier Data''' structure:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| UUID || 128-bit integer ||
| Amount || Double ||
| Operation || Byte ||
==== Chunk Data ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=7 | 0x24
| Chunk X || Int || Chunk X coordinate
| Chunk Z || Int || Chunk Z coordinate
| Ground-Up continuous || Boolean || This is True if the packet represents all sections in this vertical column, where the primary bit map specifies exactly which sections are included, and which are air
| Primary bit map || Unsigned Short || Bitmask with 1 for every 16x16x16 section which data follows in the compressed data.
| Add bit map || Unsigned Short || Same as above, but this is used exclusively for the 'add' portion of the payload
| Compressed size || Int || Size of compressed chunk data
| Compressed data || Byte array || The chunk data is compressed using Zlib Deflate
==== Multi Block Change ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x25
| Chunk X || Int || Chunk X coordinate
| Chunk Z || Int || Chunk Z Coordinate
| Record count || Short || The number of blocks affected
| Data size || Int ||  The total size of the data, in bytes. Should always be 4*record count
| Records || Array of Records ||
{| class="wikitable"
! Bit mask !! Width !! Meaning
| 00 00 00 0F || 4 bits || Block metadata
| 00 00 FF F0 || 12 bits || Block ID
| 00 FF 00 00 || 8 bits || Y co-ordinate
| 0F 00 00 00 || 4 bits || Z co-ordinate, relative to chunk
| F0 00 00 00 || 4 bits || X co-ordinate, relative to chunk
==== Block Change ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x26
| X || Int || Block X Coordinate
| Y || Byte || Block Y Coordinate
| Z || Int || Block Z Coordinate
| Block Type || Short || The new block type for the block
| Block Data || Byte || The new data for the block
==== Block Action ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=6 | 0x27
| X || Int || Block X Coordinate
| Y || Byte || Block Y Coordinate
| Z || Int || Block Z Coordinate
| Byte 1 || Byte || Varies depending on block - see [[Block_Actions]]
| Byte 2 || Byte || Varies depending on block - see [[Block_Actions]]
| Block Type || Short || The block type for the block
==== Block Action ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x28
| Entity ID || Int || Entity's ID
| X || Int || rowspan=3 | Block Position
| Y || Int
| Z || Int
| Destroy Stage || Byte || 0 - 9
==== Map Chunk Bulk ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x29
| Chunk column count || Short || The number of chunk in this packet
| Data length || Int || The size of the data field
| Sky light sent || Bool || Whether or not the chunk data contains a light nibble array. This is true in the main world, false in the end + nether
| Data || Byte Array || Compressed chunk data
| Meta information || Meta || See below
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
|Chunk X || Int || The X Coordinate of the chunk
|Chunk Z || Int || The Z Coordinate of the chunk
|Primary bitmap || Unsigned Short || A bitmap which specifies which sections are not empty in this chunk
|Add bitmap || Unsigned Short || A bitmap which specifies which sections need add information because of very high block ids. not yet used
==== Explosion ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="9" | 0x2A
| X || Double ||
| Y || Double ||
| Z || Double ||
| Radius || Float || Currently unused in the client
| Record count || Int || This is the count, not the size. The size is 3 times this value.
| Records || (Byte, Byte, Byte) × count || Each record is 3 signed bytes long, each bytes are the XYZ (respectively) offsets of affected blocks.
| Player Motion X || Float || X velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
| Player Motion Y || Float || Y velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
| Player Motion Z || Float || Z velocity of the player being pushed by the explosion
==== Effect ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="6" | 0x2B
| Effect ID || Int || The ID of the effect, see below.
| X || Int || The X location of the effect multiplied by 8
| Y || Byte || The Y location of the effect multiplied by 8
| Z || Int || The Z location of the effect multiplied by 8
| Data || Int || Extra data for certain effects, see below.
| Disable relative volume || Bool || See above
*1000: <code>random.click</code>
*1001: <code>random.click</code>
*1002: <code>random.bow</code>
*1003: <code>random.door_open</code> or <code>random.door_close</code> (50/50 chance)
*1004: <code>random.fizz</code>
*1005: Play a music disc. '''Data''': [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Music_Discs Record ID]
*''(1006 not assigned)''
*1007: <code>mob.ghast.charge</code>
*1008: <code>mob.ghast.fireball</code>
*1009: <code>mob.ghast.fireball</code>, but with a lower volume.
*1010: <code>mob.zombie.wood</code>
*1011: <code>mob.zombie.metal</code>
*1012: <code>mob.zombie.woodbreak</code>
*1013: <code>mob.wither.spawn</code>
*1014: <code>mob.wither.shoot</code>
*1015: <code>mob.bat.takeoff</code>
*1016: <code>mob.zombie.infect</code>
*1017: <code>mob.zombie.unfect</code>
*1018: <code>mob.enderdragon.end</code>
*1020: <code>random.anvil_break</code>
*1021: <code>random.anvil_use</code>
*1022: <code>random.anvil_land</code>
*2000: Spawns 10 smoke particles, e.g. from a fire. '''Data''': direction, see below
*2001: Block break. '''Data''': [http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Data_values Block ID]
*2002: Splash potion. Particle effect + glass break sound. '''Data''': [http://www.lb-stuff.com/Minecraft/PotionDataValues1.9pre3.txt Potion ID]
*2003: Eye of ender entity break animation - particles and sound
*2004: Mob spawn particle effect: smoke + flames
*2005: Spawn "happy villager" effect (hearts).
Smoke directions:
{| class="wikitable"
! ID !! Direction
| 0 || South - East
| 1 || South
| 2 || South - West
| 3 || East
| 4 || (Up or middle ?)
| 5 || West
| 6 || North - East
| 7 || North
| 8 || North - West
==== Sound Effect ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="7" | 0x2C
| Sound name || String ||
| Effect position X || Int || Effect X multiplied by 8
| Effect position Y || Int || Effect Y multiplied by 8
| Effect position Z || Int || Effect Z multiplied by 8
| Volume || Float || 1 is 100%, can be more
| Pitch || Byte || 63 is 100%, can be more
| Sound Category || Unsigned Byte || Possible values:
==== Particle ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="9" | 0x2D
| Particle name || String || The name of the particle to create. A list can be found [https://gist.github.com/thinkofdeath/5110835 here]
| X || Float || X position of the particle
| Y || Float || Y position of the particle
| Z || Float || Z position of the particle
| Offset X || Float || This is added to the X position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
| Offset Y || Float || This is added to the Y position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
| Offset Z || Float || This is added to the Z position after being multiplied by random.nextGaussian()
| Particle speed || Float || The speed of each particle
| Number of particles || Int || The number of particles to create
==== Change Game State ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="2" | 0x2E
| Reason || Byte ||
| Value || Float || Depends on reason
'''Reason codes'''
{| class="wikitable"
! Code !! Effect !! Notes
| 0 || Invalid Bed || "tile.bed.notValid"
| 1 || Begin raining ||
| 2 || End raining ||
| 3 || Change game mode || "gameMode.changed" 0 - Survival, 1 - Creative, 2 - Adventure
| 4 || Enter credits ||
| 5 || Demo messages || 0 - Show welcome to demo screen, 101 - Tell movement controls, 102 - Tell jump control, 103 - Tell inventory control
| 6 | Bow hit sound ||
| 7 || Fade value || The current darkness value. 1 = Dark, 0 = Bright, Setting the value higher causes the game to change color and freeze
| 8 || Fade time || Time in ticks for the sky to fade
==== Spawn Global Entity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="5" | 0x2F
| Entity ID || Int || The entity ID of the thunderbolt
| Type || Byte || The global entity type, currently always 1 for thunderbolt.
| X || Int || Thunderbolt X a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|fixed-point number]]
| Y || Int || Thunderbolt Y a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|fixed-point number]]
| Z || Int || Thunderbolt Z a [[Data_Types#Fixed-point_numbers|fixed-point number]]
==== Open Window ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="6" | 0x30
| Window id || Byte || A unique id number for the window to be displayed.  Notchian server implementation is a counter, starting at 1.
| Inventory Type || Byte || The window type to use for display.  Check below
| Window title || String || The title of the window.
| Number of Slots || Byte || Number of slots in the window (excluding the number of slots in the player inventory).
| Use provided window title || Bool || If false, the client will look up a string like "window.minecart". If true, the client uses what the server provides.
| Entity ID || Int || EntityHorse's entityId. Only sent when window type is equal to 11 (AnimalChest).
See [[Inventory#Windows|inventory windows]] for further information.
==== Close Window ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| 0x31
| Window id || byte || This is the id of the window that was closed. 0 for inventory.
==== Set Slot ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x32
| Window ID || Byte
| The window which is being updated. 0 for player inventory. Note that all known window types include the player inventory. This packet will only be sent for the currently opened window while the player is performing actions, even if it affects the player inventory. After the window is closed, a number of these packets are sent to update the player's inventory window (0).
| Slot || Short || The slot that should be updated
| Slot data || [[Slot_Data|Slot]] ||
==== Window Items ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x33
| Window ID || Byte || The id of window which items are being sent for. 0 for player inventory.
| Count || Short || The number of slots (see below)
| Slot data || Array of [[Slot_Data|Slot]]s ||
See [[Inventory#Windows|inventory windows]] for further information about how slots are indexed.
==== Window Property ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x34
| Window ID || Byte || The id of the window.
| Property || Short || Which property should be updated.
| Value || Short || The new value for the property.
* 0: Progress arrow
* 1: Fire icon (fuel)
* 0-200 for progress arrow
* 0-200 for fuel indicator
Ranges are presumably in in-game ticks
'''Enchantment Table'''
Properties: 0, 1 or 2 depending on the "enchantment slot" being given.
Values: The enchantment's level.
==== Confirm Transaction  ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x35
| Window ID || Byte || The id of the window that the action occurred in.
| Action number || Short || Every action that is to be accepted has a unique number. This field corresponds to that number.
| Accepted || Bool || Whether the action was accepted.
==== Update Sign ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="7" | 0x36
| X || Int || Block X Coordinate
| Y || Short || Block Y Coordinate
| Z || Int || Block Z Coordinate
| Line 1 || String || First line of text in the sign
| Line 2 || String || Second line of text in the sign
| Line 3 || String || Third line of text in the sign
| Line 4 || String || Fourth line of text in the sign
==== Maps ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="4" | 0x37
| Item Type || Short || Type of item being modified
| Item ID || Short || The ID (damage value) of the item being modified
| Text length || Short || Length of following byte array
| Data || Byte Array || Array data
If the first byte of the array is 0, the next two bytes are X start and Y start and the rest of the bytes are the colors in that column.
If the first byte of the array is 1, the rest of the bytes are in groups of three: (data, x, y). The lower half of the data is the type (always 0 under vanilla) and the upper half is the direction.
If the first byte of the array is 2, the second byte is the map scale.
==== Update Block Entity ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="6" | 0x38
| X || Int ||
| Y || Short ||
| Z || Int ||
| Action || Byte || The type of update to perform
| Data length || Short || Varies
| NBT Data || Byte Array || Present if data length > 0. Compressed with [[wikipedia:Gzip|gzip]]. Varies
* '''1''': Set mob displayed inside a mob spawner. Custom 1 contains the [[Entities#Mobs|mob type]]
==== Tile Editor Open ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="4" | 0x39
| Tile Entity Id || Byte || Always seems to be 0 (TileEntitySign)
| X || Int || X in block coordinates
| Y || Int || Y in block coordinates
| Z || Int || Z in block coordinates
==== Statistics ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! colspan="2" | Field Name
! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x3A
| colspan="2" | Count || Int || Number of entrys
| rowspan=2 | Entry
| Statistic's name || String ||
| Amount || Int || The amount to increase by
==== Player List Item ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x3B
| Player name || String || Supports chat colouring, limited to 16 characters.
| Online || byte || 1 for true, 0 for false. The client will remove the user from the list if false.
| Ping || Short || Ping, presumably in ms.
==== Player Abilities ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x3C
| Flags || Byte ||
| Flying speed || Float|| previous integer value divided by 250
| Walking speed || Float || previous integer value divided by 250
==== Tab-Complete ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| 0x3D
| Text || String ||
==== Scoreboard Objective ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x3E
| Objective name || String || An unique name for the objective
| Objective value || String || The text to be displayed for the score.
| Create/Remove || Byte || 0 to create the scoreboard. 1 to remove the scoreboard. 2 to update the display text.
==== Update Score ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="4" | 0x3F
| Item Name || String || An unique name to be displayed in the list.
| Update/Remove || Byte || 0 to create/update an item. 1 to remove an item.
| Score Name || String || The unique name for the scoreboard to be updated. Only sent when Update/Remove does not equal 1.
| Value || Int || The score to be displayed next to the entry. Only sent when Update/Remove does not equal 1.
==== Display Scoreboard ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="2" | 0x40
| Position || Byte || The position of the scoreboard. 0 = list, 1 = sidebar, 2 = belowName.
| Score Name || String || The unique name for the scoreboard to be displayed.
==== Teams ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="8" | 0x41
| Team Name || String || A unique name for the team. (Shared with scoreboard).
| Mode || Byte || If 0 then the team is created.
If 1 then the team is removed.
If 2 the team team information is updated.
If 3 then new players are added to the team.
If 4 then players are removed from the team.
| Team Display Name || String || Only if Mode = 0 or 2.
| Team Prefix || String || Only if Mode = 0 or 2. Displayed before the players' name that are part of this team.
| Team Suffix || String || Only if Mode = 0 or 2. Displayed after the players' name that are part of this team.
| Friendly fire || Byte || Only if Mode = 0 or 2; 0 for off, 1 for on, 3 for seeing friendly invisibles
| Player count || Short || Only if Mode = 0 or 3 or 4. Number of players in the array
| Players || Array of strings || Only if Mode = 0 or 3 or 4. Players to be added/remove from the team.
==== Plugin Message ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x42
| Channel || String || Name of the "channel" used to send the data.
| Length || Short || Length of the following byte array
| Data || Byte Array || Any data.
More documentation on this: http://dinnerbone.com/blog/2012/01/13/minecraft-plugin-channels-messaging/
==== Disconnect ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| 0x43
| Reason || String || Displayed to the client when the connection terminates
=== Serverbound ===
==== Keep Alive ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x00
| Keep Alive ID || Int ||
==== Chat Message ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x01
| JSON Data || String || https://gist.github.com/thinkofdeath/e882ce057ed83bac0a1c
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x02
| || Int ||
| || Byte ||
Animation can be one of the following values:
{| class="wikitable"
! ID !! Animation
| 0 || No animation
| 1 || Swing arm
| 2 || Damage animation
| 3 || Leave bed
| 5 || Eat food
| 6 || Critical effect
| 7 || Magic critical effect
| 102 || (unknown)
| 104 || Crouch
| 105 || Uncrouch
==== Player ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x03
| On Ground || Bool | True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Player Position ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5| 0x04
| X || Double || Absolute position
| Y || Double || Absolute position
| Stance || Double || Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc…
| Z || Double || Absolute position
| On Ground || Bool || True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Player Look ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=3| 0x05
| Yaw || Float || Absolute rotation on the X Axis, in degrees
| Pitch || Float || Absolute rotation on the Y Axis, in degrees
| On Ground || Bool || True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Player Position And Look ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=7| 0x06
| X || Double || Absolute position
| Y || Double || Absolute position
| Stance || Double || Used to modify the players bounding box when going up stairs, crouching, etc…
| Z || Double || Absolute position
| Yaw || Float || Absolute rotation on the X Axis, in degrees
| Pitch || Float || Absolute rotation on the Y Axis, in degrees
| On Ground || Bool || True if the client is on the ground, False otherwise
==== Use Bed ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x07
| Entity ID || Int || Player ID
| || Byte ||
| X || Int || Bed headboard X as block coordinate
| Y || Unsigned Byte || Bed headboard Y as block coordinate
| Z || Int || Bed headboard Z as block coordinate
==== Player Block Placement ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="8" | 0x08
| X || Int || Block position
| Y || Unsigned Byte || Block position
| Z || Int || Block position
| Direction || Byte || The offset to use for block/item placement (see below)
| Held item || [[Slot_Data|Slot]] ||
| Cursor position X || Byte || The position of the crosshair on the block
| Cursor position Y || Byte ||
| Cursor position Z || Byte ||
In normal operation (ie placing a block), this packet is sent once, with the values set normally.
This packet has a special case where X, Y, Z, and Direction are all -1. (Note that Y is unsigned so set to 255.) This special packet indicates that the currently held item for the player should have its state updated such as eating food, shooting bows, using buckets, etc.
In a Notchian Beta client, the block or item ID corresponds to whatever the client is currently holding, and the client sends one of these packets any time a right-click is issued on a surface, so no assumptions can be made about the safety of the ID.  However, with the implementation of server-side inventory, a Notchian server seems to ignore the item ID, instead operating on server-side inventory information and holding selection. The client has been observed (1.2.5 and 1.3.2) to send both real item IDs and -1 in a single session.
Special note on using buckets:  When using buckets, the Notchian client might send two packets:  first a normal and then a special case.  The first normal packet is sent when you're looking at a block (e.g. the water you want to scoop up).  This normal packet does not appear to do anything with a Notchian server.  The second, special case packet appears to perform the action - based on current position/orientation and with a distance check - it appears that buckets can only be used within a radius of 6 units.
==== Held Item Change ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x09
| Slot || Short || The slot which the player has selected (0-8)
==== Animation ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x0A
| Entity ID || Int || Player ID
| Animation || Byte || Animation ID
==== Entity Action ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x0B
| Entity ID || Int || Player ID
| Action ID || Byte || The ID of the action, see below.
| Jump Boost || Int || Horse jump boost. Ranged from 0 -> 100.
Action ID can be one of the following values:
{| class="wikitable"
! ID !! Action
| 1 || Crouch
| 2 || Uncrouch
| 3 || Leave bed
| 4 || Start sprinting
| 5 || Stop sprinting
==== Steer Vehicle ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="4" | 0x0C
| Sideways || Float || Positive to the left of the player
| Forward || Float || Positive forward
| Jump || Bool ||
| Unmount || Bool || True when leaving the vehicle
==== Close Window ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| 0x0D
| Window id || byte || This is the id of the window that was closed. 0 for inventory.
==== Click Window ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="6" | 0x0E
| Window ID || Byte || The id of the window which was clicked. 0 for player inventory.
| Slot || Short || The clicked slot. See below.
| Button || Byte || The button used in the click. See below.
| Action number || Short || A unique number for the action, used for transaction handling (See the Transaction packet).
| Mode || Byte || Inventory operation mode. See below.
| Clicked item || [[Slot_Data|Slot]] ||
See [[Inventory#Windows|inventory windows]] for further information about how slots are indexed.
When right-clicking on a stack of items, half the stack will be picked up and half left in the slot.  If the stack is an odd number, the half left in the slot will be smaller of the amounts.
The Action number is actually a counter, starting at 1.  This number is used by the server as a transaction ID to send back a [[#0x6A|Transaction packet]].
The distinct type of click performed by the client is determined by the combination of the "Mode" and "Button" fields.
{| class="wikitable"
! Mode !! Button !! Slot !! Trigger
! rowspan="2" | 0
| 0 || Normal || Left mouse click
| 1 || Normal || Right mouse click
! rowspan="2" | 1
| 0 || Normal || Shift + left mouse click
| 1 || Normal || Shift + right mouse click ''(Identical behavior)''
! rowspan="5" | 2
| 0 || Normal || Number key 1
| 1 || Normal || Number key 2
| 2 || Normal || Number key 3
| ...
| ...
| ...
| 8 || Normal || Number key 9
! rowspan="1" | 3
| 2 || Normal || Middle click
! rowspan="4" | 4
| 0 || Normal || Drop key (Q)
| 1 || Normal || Ctrl + Drop key (Ctrl-Q)
| 0 || -999 || Left click outside inventory holding nothing ''(No-op)''
| 1 || -999 || Right click outside inventory holding nothing ''(No-op)''
! rowspan="6" | 5
| 0 || -999 || Starting left mouse drag ''(Or middle mouse)''
| 4 || -999 || Starting right mouse drag
| 1 || Normal || Add slot for left-mouse drag
| 5 || Normal || Add slot for right-mouse drag
| 2 || -999 || Ending left mouse drag
| 6 || -999 || Ending right mouse drag
! 6
| 0 || Normal || Double click
Starting from version 1.5, "painting mode" is available for use in inventory windows. It is done by picking up stack of something (more than 1 items), then holding mouse button (left, right or middle) and dragging holded stack over empty (or same type in case of right button ) slots. In that case client sends the following to server after mouse button release (omitting first pickup packet which is sent as usual):
# packet with mode 5, slot -999 , button (0 for left | 4 for right);
# packet for every slot painted on, mode is still 5, button (1 | 5);
# packet with mode 5, slot -999, button (2 | 6);
If any of the painting packets other than the "progress" ones are sent out of order (for example, a start, some slots, then another start; or a left-click in the middle) the painting status will be reset.
==== Confirm Transaction  ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x0F
| Window ID || Byte || The id of the window that the action occurred in.
| Action number || Short || Every action that is to be accepted has a unique number. This field corresponds to that number.
| Accepted || Bool || Whether the action was accepted.
==== Creative Inventory Action ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="2" | 0x10
| Slot || Short || Inventory slot
| Clicked item || [[Slot_Data|Slot]] ||
==== Enchant Item ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="2" | 0x11
| Window ID || Byte || The ID sent by [[#0x64|Open Window]]
| Enchantment || Byte || The position of the enchantment on the enchantment table window, starting with 0 as the topmost one.
==== Update Sign ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="7" | 0x12
| X || Int || Block X Coordinate
| Y || Short || Block Y Coordinate
| Z || Int || Block Z Coordinate
| Line 1 || String || First line of text in the sign
| Line 2 || String || Second line of text in the sign
| Line 3 || String || Third line of text in the sign
| Line 4 || String || Fourth line of text in the sign
==== Player Abilities ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x13
| Flags || Byte ||
| Flying speed || Float|| previous integer value divided by 250
| Walking speed || Float || previous integer value divided by 250
==== Tab-Complete ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| 0x14
| Text || String ||
==== Client Settings ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="6" | 0x15
| Locale || String || en_GB
| View distance || Byte || 0-3 for 'far', 'normal', 'short', 'tiny'.
| Chat flags || Byte || Chat settings. See notes below.
| ??? || Bool || ???
| Difficulty || Byte || Client-side difficulty from options.txt
| Show Cape || Bool || Client-side "show cape" option
Chat flags has several values packed into one byte.
'''Chat Enabled:''' Bits 0-1. 00: Enabled.  01: Commands only.  10: Hidden.
'''Colors Enabled:''' Bit 3.  0: Disabled.  1: Enabled.
==== Clickable Action ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x16
| Action ID || Byte || See below
Action ID values:
{| class="wikitable"
! Action ID !! Name
| 0 || Perform respawn
| 1 || Request stats
| 2 || Open inventory achievement
==== Plugin Message ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan="3" | 0x17
| Channel || String || Name of the "channel" used to send the data.
| Length || Short || Length of the following byte array
| Data || Byte Array || Any data.
More documentation on this: http://dinnerbone.com/blog/2012/01/13/minecraft-plugin-channels-messaging/
== Status ==
=== Clientbound ===
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x00
| || String ||
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x01
| || Long ||
=== Serverbound ===
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x00 || || ||
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x01
| || Long ||
== Login ==
=== Clientbound ===
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x00
| || String ||
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=5 | 0x01
| || String ||
| Length || Short ||
| || Byte array ||
| Length || Short ||
| || Byte array ||
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=2 | 0x02
| UUID || String ||
| Name || String ||
=== Serverbound ===
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=1 | 0x00
| Name || String ||
==== ? ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID !! Field Name !! Field Type !! Notes
| rowspan=4 | 0x01
| Length || Short ||
| || Byte array ||
| Length || Short ||
| || Byte array ||
== Plugin Channels ==
=== MC|RPack ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name !! Field Type !! Example !! Notes
| Resource pack URL || UTF8 string || http://example.com/pack.zip ||

Latest revision as of 16:42, 29 June 2024

There are currently no pre-release versions available to document on this page. For the latest stable Minecraft release, see the Protocol page. For previous pre-release pages, see the Protocol version numbers page.

One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into Protocol when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.


Data types

No changes so far.


No changes so far.