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This page documents the changes from the [[Protocol|last stable Minecraft release]] (currently [[Protocol version numbers|1.8.8, protocol 47]]) to the current pre-release (currently [[Protocol version numbers|15w31c, protocol 51]]). Note that this page contains bleeding-edge information that may not be completely or correctly documented.
There are currently no pre-release versions available to document on this page. For the latest stable Minecraft release, see the [[Protocol|Protocol]] page. For previous pre-release pages, see the [[Protocol version numbers|Protocol version numbers]] page.
One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into [[Protocol]] when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.
One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into [[Protocol]] when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.
== Protocol history ==
== Contents ==
None so far.
<div style="float:right;">__TOC__</div>
== New/modified data types ==
=== Data types ===
None so far.
== Handshaking ==
=== Clientbound ===
No changes so far.
=== Serverbound ===
==== Handshake ====
This causes the server to switch into the target state.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="4"| 0x00
|rowspan="4"| Handshaking
|rowspan="4"| Server
| Protocol Version
| VarInt
| See [[protocol version numbers]] (currently {{Change|47|50}})
| Server Address
| String
| hostname or IP, e.g. localhost or<!-- does this support IPv6? -->
| Server Port
| Unsigned Short
| default is 25565
| Next State
| VarInt
| 1 for [[#Status|status]], 2 for [[#Login|login]]
== Play ==
=== Clientbound ===
==== Entity Equipment ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| 0x04
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Client
| Entity ID
| VarInt
| Entity's EID
| Slot
| {{Change|Short|VarInt}}
| Equipment slot. 0: main hand, {{Change||1: off hand}}, {{Change|1–4|2–5}}: armor slot (2: boots, 3: leggings, 4: chestplate, 5: helmet)
| Item
| [[Slot Data|Slot]]
| Item in slot format
==== Spawn Player ====
This packet is sent by the server when a player comes into visible range, ''not'' when a player joins.
This packet must be sent after the [[#Player List Item|Player List Item]] ([[#Play|Play]], 0x38, clientbound) packet that adds the player data for the client to use when spawning a player. The tab includes skin/cape data.
Servers can, however, safely spawn player entities for players not in visible range. The client appears to handle it correctly.
When in online-mode the UUIDs must be valid and have valid skin blobs, in offline-mode UUID v3 is used.
For NPCs UUID v2 should be used. Note:
<+Grum> i will never confirm this as a feature you know that :)
In an example UUID, <code>xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Yxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx</code>, the UUID version is specified by <code>Y</code>. So, for UUID v3, <code>Y</code> will always be <code>3</code>, and for UUID v2, <code>Y</code> will always be <code>2</code>.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="9"| 0x0C
|rowspan="9"| Play
|rowspan="9"| Client
| Entity ID
| VarInt
| Player's EID
| Player UUID
| X
| Int
| Player X as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y
| Int
| Player Y as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z
| Int
| Player Z as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Yaw
| Angle
| Pitch
| Angle
|- style="background-color: #f4cccc"
| Current Item
| Short
| The item the player is currently holding. Note that this should be 0 for “no item”, unlike -1 used in other packets.
| Metadata
| [[Entities#Entity Metadata Format|Metadata]]
{{Warning|A negative Current Item crashes clients}}
{{Warning|The client will crash if no Metadata is sent}}
==== Spawn Object ====
Sent by the server when an object/vehicle is created.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="13"| 0x0E
|rowspan="13"| Play
|rowspan="13"| Client
| Entity ID
| VarInt
| EID of the object
|- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Object UUID
| Type
| Byte
| The type of object (See [[Entities#Objects]])
| X
| Int
| X position as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y
| Int
| Y position as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z
| Int
| Z position as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Pitch
| Angle
| Yaw
| Angle
|- style="background-color: #f4cccc"
| Data
| [[Object Data]]
|-  style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Info
| Int
| Depends on object [[Object Data]]
|-  style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Velocity X
| Short
|-  style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Velocity Y
| Short
|-  style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Velocity Z
| Short
==== Spawn Mob ====
Sent by the server when a mob entity is spawned.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="13"| 0x0F
|rowspan="13"| Play
|rowspan="13"| Client
| Entity ID
| VarInt
|- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Entity UUID
| Type
| Unsigned Byte
| The type of mob. See [[Entities#Mobs]]
| X
| Int
| X position as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Y
| Int
| Y position as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Z
| Int
| Z position as a [[Data Types#Fixed-point numbers|Fixed-Point number]]
| Yaw
| Angle
| Pitch
| Angle
| Head Pitch
| Angle
| Velocity X
| Short
| Same units as [[Protocol#Entity Velocity|Entity Velocity]]
| Velocity Y
| Short
| Same units as [[Protocol#Entity Velocity|Entity Velocity]]
| Velocity Z
| Short
| Same units as [[Protocol#Entity Velocity|Entity Velocity]]
| Metadata
| [[Entities#Entity Metadata Format|Metadata]]
==== Combat Event ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="6"| 0x42
|rowspan="6"| Play
|rowspan="6"| Client
| Event
| VarInt
| 0: enter combat, 1: end combat, 2: entity dead
| Duration
| Optional VarInt
| Only for end combat
| Player ID
| Optional VarInt
| Only for entity dead
| Entity ID
| Optional Int
| Only for end combat and entity dead
| Message
| {{Change|String|[[Chat]]}}
| Only for entity dead
==== {{Change|Update Entity NBT|}} ====
==== Boss Bar ====
This packet replaces Update Entity NBT packet which has been removed.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
!colspan="2"| Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="15"| 0x49
|rowspan="15"| Play
|rowspan="15"| Client
|colspan="2"| UUID
| Unique ID for this bar
|colspan="2"| Action
| VarInt
! Action
! Field Name
|rowspan="5"| 0: add
| Title
| [[Chat]]
| Health
| Float
| Color
| VarInt
| Color ID (see below)
| Dividers
| VarInt
| Flags
| Unsigned Byte
| Bit mask: 0x1 should darken sky, 0x2: is dragon bar
| 1: remove
| ''no fields''
| ''no fields''
| Removes this boss bar
| 2: update health
| Health
| Float
| 3: update title
| Title
| [[Chat]]
|rowspan="2"| 4: update style
| Color
| VarInt
| Dividers
| VarInt
| 5: update flags
| Flags
| Unsigned Byte
{| class="wikitable"
! ID
! Color
| 0
| Pink(ish)
| 1
| Cyan
| 2
| Red
| 3
| Lime
| 4
| Yellow
| 5
| Purple
| 6
| White
=== Serverbound ===
==== Use Entity ====
This packet is sent from the client to the server when the client attacks or right-clicks another entity (a player, minecart, etc).
A Notchian server only accepts this packet if the entity being attacked/used is visible without obstruction and within a 4-unit radius of the player's position.
Note that middle-click in creative mode is interpreted by the client and sent as a [[#Creative Inventory Action|Creative Inventory Action]] packet instead.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="6"| 0x02
|rowspan="6"| Play
|rowspan="6"| Server
| Target
| VarInt
| Type
| VarInt
| 0: interact, 1: attack, 2: interact at
| Target X
| Optional Float
| Only if Type is interact at
| Target Y
| Optional Float
| Only if Type is interact at
| Target Z
| Optional Float
| Only if Type is interact at
|- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Hand
| Optional Byte
| Only if Type is interact or interact at; 0: main hand, 1: off hand
==== Player Digging ====
Sent when the player mines a block. A Notchian server only accepts digging packets with coordinates within a 6-unit radius of the player's position.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| 0x07
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Server
| Status
| Byte
| The action the player is taking against the block (see below)
| Location
| Position
| Block position
| Face
| Byte
| The face being hit (see below)
Status can be one of seven values:
{| class="wikitable"
! Meaning
! Value
| Started digging
| <code>0</code>
| Cancelled digging
| <code>1</code>
| Finished digging
| <code>2</code>
| Drop item stack
| <code>3</code>
| Drop item
| <code>4</code>
| Shoot arrow / finish eating
| <code>5</code>
|- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Swap item in Hand
| <code>6</code>
Notchian clients send a 0 (started digging) when they start digging and a 2 (finished digging) once they think they are finished. If digging is aborted, the client simply sends a 1 (cancel digging).
Status code 4 (drop item) is a special case. In-game, when you use the Drop Item command (keypress 'q'), a dig packet with a status of 4, Location set to 0/0/0, and Face set to 0, is sent from client to server. Status code 3 is similar, but drops the entire stack.
Status code 5 (shoot arrow / finish eating) is also a special case. Location is set to 0/0/0 like above, but the face field is set to 255.
Status code 6 is another special case. Used to swap or assign an item to the second hand. Location is set to 0/0/0 and Face is set to 0.
The Face field can be one of six values, representing the face being hit:
{| class="wikitable"
! Value
| 0
| 1
| 2
| 3
| 4
| 5
! Offset
| -Y
| +Y
| -Z
| +Z
| -X
| +X
==== {{Change||Use Item}} ====
Sent when pressing the Use Item key (default: right click) with an item in hand.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="1"| 0x08
|rowspan="1"| Play
|rowspan="1"| Server
| Hand
| Byte
| Hand used for the animation
==== Player Block Placement ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="6"| {{Change|0x08|0x09}}
|rowspan="6"| Play
|rowspan="6"| Server
| Location
| Position
| Block position
| Face
| {{Change|Byte|VarInt}}
| The face on which the block is placed (see above)
| {{Change|Held Item|Hand}}
| {{Change|[[Slot Data|Slot]]|VarInt}}
| The hand from which the block is placed; 0: main hand, 1: off hand
| Cursor Position X
| Byte
| The position of the crosshair on the block
| Cursor Position Y
| Byte
| Cursor Position Z
| Byte
In normal operation (i.e. placing a block), this packet is sent once, with the values set normally.
This packet has a special case where X, Y, Z, and Direction are all -1. (Note that Y is unsigned so set to 255.) This special packet indicates that the currently held item for the player should have its state updated such as eating food, pulling back bows, using buckets, etc.
Special note on using buckets: When using buckets, the Notchian client might send two packets: first a normal and then a special case. The first normal packet is sent when you're looking at a block (e.g. the water you want to scoop up). This normal packet does not appear to do anything with a Notchian server. The second, special case packet appears to perform the action — based on current position/orientation and with a distance check — it appears that buckets can only be used within a radius of 6 units.
==== Held Item Change ====
Sent when the player changes the slot selection.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="1"| {{Change|0x09|0x0A}}
|rowspan="1"| Play
|rowspan="1"| Server
| Slot
| Short
| The slot which the player has selected (0–8)
==== Animation ====
Sent when the player's arm swings
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="1"| {{Change|0x0A|0x0B}}
|rowspan="1"| Play
|rowspan="1"| Server
|style="background-color: #d9ead3;"| Hand
|style="background-color: #d9ead3;"| VarInt
|style="background-color: #d9ead3;"| Hand used for the animation
==== Entity Action ====
Sent at least when crouching, leaving a bed, or sprinting. To send action animation to client use 0x28. The client will send this with Action ID = 3 when “Leave Bed” is clicked.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| {{Change|0x0B|0x0C}}
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Server
| Entity ID
| VarInt
| Player ID
| Action ID
| VarInt
| The ID of the action, see below
| Jump Boost
| VarInt
| Horse jump boost. Ranged from 0 -> 100.
Action ID can be one of the following values:
{| class="wikitable"
! ID
! Action
| 0
| Crouch
| 1
| Uncrouch
| 2
| Leave bed
| 3
| Start sprinting
| 4
| Stop sprinting
| 5
| Jump with horse
|- style="background-color: #f4cccc; text-decoration: line-through;"
| 6
| Open inventory
==== Steer Vehicle ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| {{Change|0x0C|0x0D}}
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Server
| Sideways
| Float
| Positive to the left of the player
| Forward
| Float
| Positive forward
| Flags
| Unsigned Byte
| Bit mask. 0x1: jump, 0x2: unmount
==== Close Window ====
This packet is sent by the client when closing a window.
Note, Notchian clients send a close window message with Window ID 0 to close their inventory even though there is never an Open Window message for the inventory.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
| {{Change|0x0D|0x0E}}
|rowspan="1"| Play
|rowspan="1"| Server
| Window ID
| Unsigned Byte
| This is the ID of the window that was closed. 0 for inventory.
==== Click Window ====
This packet is sent by the player when it clicks on a slot in a window.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="6"| {{Change|0x0E|0x0F}}
|rowspan="6"| Play
|rowspan="6"| Server
| Window ID
| Unsigned Byte
| The ID of the window which was clicked. 0 for player inventory.
| Slot
| Short
| The clicked slot number, see below
| Button
| Byte
| The button used in the click, see below
| Action Number
| Short
| A unique number for the action, implemented by Notchian as a counter, starting at 1. Used by the server to send back a [[Protocol#Confirm Transaction|Confirm Transaction]].
| Mode
| Byte
| Inventory operation mode, see below
| Clicked item
| [[Slot Data|Slot]]
| The clicked slot. Has to be empty (item ID = -1) for drop mode.
See [[Inventory#Windows]] for further information about how slots are indexed.
When right-clicking on a stack of items, half the stack will be picked up and half left in the slot. If the stack is an odd number, the half left in the slot will be smaller of the amounts.
The distinct type of click performed by the client is determined by the combination of the Mode and Button fields.
{| class="wikitable"
! Mode
! Button
! Slot
! Trigger
!rowspan="2"| 0
| 0
| Normal
| Left mouse click
| 1
| Normal
| Right mouse click
!rowspan="2"| 1
| 0
| Normal
| Shift + left mouse click
| 1
| Normal
| Shift + right mouse click ''(identical behavior)''
!rowspan="5"| 2
| 0
| Normal
| Number key 1
| 1
| Normal
| Number key 2
| 2
| Normal
| Number key 3
| ⋮
| ⋮
| ⋮
| 8
| Normal
| Number key 9
!rowspan="1"| 3
| 2
| Normal
| Middle click
!rowspan="4"| 4
| 0
| Normal*
| Drop key (Q) (* Clicked item is different, see above)
| 1
| Normal*
| Ctrl + Drop key (Ctrl-Q) ''(drops full stack)''
| 0
| -999
| Left click outside inventory holding nothing ''(no-op)''
| 1
| -999
| Right click outside inventory holding nothing ''(no-op)''
!rowspan="6"| 5
| 0
| -999
| Starting left mouse drag ''(or middle mouse)''
| 4
| -999
| Starting right mouse drag
| 1
| Normal
| Add slot for left-mouse drag
| 5
| Normal
| Add slot for right-mouse drag
| 2
| -999
| Ending left mouse drag
| 6
| -999
| Ending right mouse drag
! 6
| 0
| Normal
| Double click
Starting from version 1.5, “painting mode” is available for use in inventory windows. It is done by picking up stack of something (more than 1 item), then holding mouse button (left, right or middle) and dragging held stack over empty (or same type in case of right button) slots. In that case client sends the following to server after mouse button release (omitting first pickup packet which is sent as usual):
# packet with mode 5, slot -999, button (0 for left | 4 for right);
# packet for every slot painted on, mode is still 5, button (1 | 5);
# packet with mode 5, slot -999, button (2 | 6);
If any of the painting packets other than the “progress” ones are sent out of order (for example, a start, some slots, then another start; or a left-click in the middle) the painting status will be reset.
The server will send back a [[#Confirm Transaction|Confirm Transaction]]<!-- note that the anchor should be changed to #Confirm Transaction 2 when merging with [[Protocol]] --> packet. If the click was not accepted, the client must reflect that packet before sending more [[#Click Window|Click Window]] packets, otherwise the server will reject them silently. The Notchian server also sends a [[Protocol#Window Items|Window Items]] packet for the open window and [[Protocol#Set Slot|Set Slot]] packets for the clicked and cursor slot, but only when the click was not accepted, probably to resynchronize client and server.
==== Confirm Transaction ====
<SpaceManiac> noooo idea why the serverbound confirm transaction packet exists
<SpaceManiac> I think it's sent as a response to the clientbound confirm transaction in some situations, but it's fuzzy
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| {{Change|0x0F|0x10}}
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Server
| Window ID
| Byte
| The ID of the window that the action occurred in
| Action Number
| Short
| Every action that is to be accepted has a unique number. This field corresponds to that number.
| Accepted
| Boolean
| Whether the action was accepted
==== Creative Inventory Action ====
While the user is in the standard inventory (i.e., not a crafting bench) in Creative mode, the player will send this packet.
Clicking in the creative inventory menu is quite different from non-creative inventory management. Picking up an item with the mouse actually deletes the item from the server, and placing an item into a slot or dropping it out of the inventory actually tells the server to create the item from scratch. (This can be verified by clicking an item that you don't mind deleting, then severing the connection to the server; the item will be nowhere to be found when you log back in.) As a result of this implementation strategy, the "Destroy Item" slot is just a client-side implementation detail that means "I don't intend to recreate this item.". Additionally, the long listings of items (by category, etc.) are a client-side interface for choosing which item to create. Picking up an item from such listings sends no packets to the server; only when you put it somewhere does it tell the server to create the item in that location.
This action can be described as “set inventory slot”. Picking up an item sets the slot to item ID -1. Placing an item into an inventory slot sets the slot to the specified item. Dropping an item (by clicking outside the window) effectively sets slot -1 to the specified item, which causes the server to spawn the item entity, etc.. All other inventory slots are numbered the same as the non-creative inventory (including slots for the 2×2 crafting menu, even though they aren't visible in the vanilla client).
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="2"| {{Change|0x10|0x11}}
|rowspan="2"| Play
|rowspan="2"| Server
| Slot
| Short
| Inventory slot
| Clicked Item
| [[Slot Data|Slot]]
==== Enchant Item ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="2"| {{Change|0x11|0x12}}
|rowspan="2"| Play
|rowspan="2"| Server
| Window ID
| Byte
| The ID of the enchantment table window sent by [[Protocol#Open Window|Open Window]]
| Enchantment
| Byte
| The position of the enchantment on the enchantment table window, starting with 0 as the topmost one
==== Update Sign ====
This message is sent from the client to the server when the “Done” button is pushed after placing a sign.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="5"| {{Change|0x12|0x13}}
|rowspan="5"| Play
|rowspan="5"| Server
| Location
| Position
| Block Coordinates
| Line 1
| {{Change|[[Chat]]|String}}
| First line of text in the sign
| Line 2
| {{Change|[[Chat]]|String}}
| Second line of text in the sign
| Line 3
| {{Change|[[Chat]]|String}}
| Third line of text in the sign
| Line 4
| {{Change|[[Chat]]|String}}
| Fourth line of text in the sign
==== Player Abilities ====
The latter 2 bytes are used to indicate the walking and flying speeds respectively, while the first byte is used to determine the value of 4 booleans.
The vanilla client sends this packet when the player starts/stops flying with the second parameter changed accordingly. All other parameters are ignored by the vanilla server.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| {{Change|0x13|0x14}}
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Server
| Flags
| Byte
| Bit mask. 0x08: damage disabled (god mode), 0x04: can fly, 0x02: is flying, 0x01: is Creative
| Flying Speed
| Float
| Walking Speed
| Float
==== Tab-Complete ====
Sent when the user presses ''tab'' while writing text.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="3"| {{Change|0x14|0x15}}
|rowspan="3"| Play
|rowspan="3"| Server
| Text
| String
| All text behind the cursor
| Has Position
| Boolean
| Looked At Block
| Optional Position
| The position of the block being looked at. Only sent if Has Position is true
==== Client Settings ====
Sent when the player connects, or when settings are changed.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="6"| {{Change|0x15|0x16}}
|rowspan="6"| Play
|rowspan="6"| Server
| Locale
| String
| e.g. en_GB
| View Distance
| Byte
| Client-side render distance, in chunks
| Chat Mode
| {{Change|Byte|VarInt}}
| 0: enabled, 1: commands only, 2: hidden
| Chat Colors
| Boolean
| “Colors” multiplayer setting
| Displayed Skin Parts
| Unsigned Byte
| Skin parts, see note below
|- style="background-color: #d9ead3;"
| Main Hand
| VarInt
| 0: Left, 1: Right
''Displayed Skin Parts'' flags:
* Bit 0 (0x01): Cape enabled
* Bit 1 (0x02): Jacket enabled
* Bit 2 (0x04): Left Sleeve enabled
* Bit 3 (0x08): Right Sleeve enabled
* Bit 4 (0x10): Left Pants Leg enabled
* Bit 5 (0x20): Right Pants Leg enabled
* Bit 6 (0x40): Hat enabled
The most significant bit (bit 7, 0x80) appears to be unused.
==== Client Status ====
Sent when the client is ready to complete login and when the client is ready to respawn after death.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="1"| {{Change|0x16|0x17}}
|rowspan="1"| Play
|rowspan="1"| Server
| Action ID
| VarInt
| See below
''Action ID'' values:
{| class="wikitable"
! Action ID
! Action
| 0
| Perform respawn
| 1
| Request stats
| 2
| {{Change|''Taking Inventory'' achievement|Open Inventory}}
==== Plugin Message ====
Mods and plugins can use this to send their data. Minecraft itself uses a number of [[plugin channel]]s. These internal channels are prefixed with <code>MC|</code>.
More documentation on this: [http://dinnerbone.com/blog/2012/01/13/minecraft-plugin-channels-messaging/ http://dinnerbone.com/blog/2012/01/13/minecraft-plugin-channels-messaging/]
Note that the data length is known from the packet length, so there is no need for a length member being sent.
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="2"| {{Change|0x17|0x18}}
|rowspan="2"| Play
|rowspan="2"| Server
| Channel
| String
| Name of the [[plugin channel]] used to send the data
| Data
| Byte Array
| Any data, depending on the channel. <code><nowiki>MC|</nowiki></code> channels are documented [[plugin channel|here]].
==== Spectate ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="1"| {{Change|0x18|0x19}}
|rowspan="1"| Play
|rowspan="1"| Server
| Target Player
==== Resource Pack Status ====
{| class="wikitable"
! Packet ID
! State
! Bound To
! Field Name
! Field Type
! Notes
|rowspan="2"| {{Change|0x19|0x1A}}
|rowspan="2"| Play
|rowspan="2"| Server
| Hash
| String
| The hash sent in the [[Protocol#Resource Pack Send|Resource Pack Send]] packet.
| Result
| VarInt
| 0: successfully loaded, 1: declined, 2: failed download, 3: accepted
== Status ==
=== Clientbound ===
No changes so far.
=== Serverbound ===
No changes so far.
No changes so far.
== Login ==
=== Packets ===
=== Clientbound ===
No changes so far.
No changes so far.
=== Serverbound ===
[[Category:Minecraft Modern]]
No changes so far.

Latest revision as of 16:42, 29 June 2024

There are currently no pre-release versions available to document on this page. For the latest stable Minecraft release, see the Protocol page. For previous pre-release pages, see the Protocol version numbers page.

One who wishes to commandeer the merging of this into Protocol when an update is made must be sure to respect any changes that may have occurred to the respective packets there.


Data types

No changes so far.


No changes so far.